Early Learning (Pre-K)
Welcome to Pre-K at The Heights Community School!
Pre-Kindergarten is a full day program offering quality early childhood education for four year olds, during their year before Kindergarten. At The Heights PreKindergarten we aim to provide our students with the foundational academic and social skills to be successful in Kindergarten.
We believe that the pathways to learning are many and varied. Our students have the opportunity to express their learning and understanding on a daily basis through exploration and social interactions.
Our students learn through both active play and structured group times. Conceptual learning is linked directly to the experience of our students and organized in monthly units/areas of study to promote vocabulary development and rich exploration. The daily classroom schedule follows the Early Childhood Workshop model, and is listed below.
We intentionally arrange the physical space of the classroom to encourage conversations and relationships between children and teachers. We support each child’s natural curiousity and desire to explore, experiment, theorize, and collaborate by offering interesting natural and manufactured materials.
We have two full-day Pre-K classrooms providing a rich based learning environment. Classes have a maximum of 20 children.
Pre-Kindergarten Full Day Classroom
Full-Day PreK has 1 regular education teacher and 1 regular education teaching assistant. This class meets from 7:30am – 2:00pm, 5 days a week.
All Pre-K classes follow the same curriculum, “Discovering Our World”. The Saint Paul Public Schools PreKindergarten teachers, coaches, parent educators and administrators wrote this curriculum. The units/areas of study are listed below.
- The First Six Weeks in My New School
- Exploring Change in My World
- Being Healthy in Our World
- Adapting to Our World
- Helping in Our World
- Creating and Constructing in Our World
- Cycles in Our World