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Second Grade

We have 2 sections of second grade this year.
Our team is made up of:

Ms. Vang (651) 744-2306     maydoua.vang@spps.org

Mrs. Krenik (651)744-4693  peggy.krenik@spps.org

The best time to reach us by phone is between 7 am and 7:15 and between 2:15 and 2:30. Please leave a message if we do not answer and we will get back to you. 

Snack will be provided on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, starting in October. Your child may bring in an individual nutritious, peanut-free snack. Families may also provide a nutritious, peanut-free snack for their student's whole class (about 25 servings). Our lunch is at 10:15 am.

Remember to supply labeled headphones with a microphone for your child to use with their iPads.

Look for a red folder  in your child's backpack on Thursdays with communication from the school or classroom and have your child return it on Friday.

 Daily Schedule:

7:15-7:30      Breakfast

7:30-7:50      Morning Meeting

7:50-8:45      Math/Extra Prep (Music/Art)

8:45- 9:15     Math

9:15-9:45     Read Aloud Mini-Lesson

9:50-10:10   Recess

10:15-10:45   Restroom/Lunch

10:45-11:20   Phonics UFLI

11:20-12:10   Guided Reading Groups

12:10-12:40   Writing/Snack

12:40- 1:30    Specialists (Science or Phy-ed)

1:30-1:50       Social Studies

1:50-1:55       Prep for Dismissal/Parent Pickup to Cafeteria

1:55- 2:00      Walk out to Buses

Wondering what 2nd graders will be working on this year?
Here are some of the key things we focus on in Reading, Writing, Math, and Social Studies:


Mastering basic addition and subtraction facts

Financial Literacy
2-digit addition and subtraction
Place value
Solving real-world problems
Creating and solving number patterns
Identifying 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional shapes

        Reading and Writing

Becoming independent readers by building their reading stamina
Building their writing stamina by writing daily
Retelling Fiction
Making connections and creating mental images
Asking questions in both fiction and nonfiction texts
Writing fiction and nonfiction pieces
Making Inferences
Reading fluently with good expression and pacing


Social Studies

Civics (Rights & Responsibilities, Voting)
Economics (Resources & Exchange)
Geography (Human & Environmental Interaction, Directions)
History (Change & Continuity, Cause & Effect)


Physical Education

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