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Third Grade

Our Curriculum


We cover a variety of topics in third grade math. We review place value, adding and subtracting with regrouping, word problems, fractions, mulitplication and division, and perimeter. We use a Math Facts program which connects learning the basic facts in multiplication and division facts to our Reading Curriculum. 

Reader's Workshop

Throughout the school year we will be following the Reader's Workshop curriculum. We pull out all the stops in an effort to help all of our students become avid readers. We wear a love of reading on our sleeves, help students create their identities as people who care about reading, create a social life that revolves around shared books and above all, we help students develop a sense of personal agency about their reading lives, taking responsibility for becoming the kinds of readers who not only make sense of books but also let books change their lives. We meanwhile continue to support children in strengthening their reading behaviors-- helping them to self-select books that are just right in level and interest, collect and study data about their reading rates and volumes and push themselves to read with increasing stamina, fluency and volume. 

Writer's Workshop

The third grade Writer's Workshop annual curriculum draws on students’ repertoire of writing skills from second grade and sets high expectations for a year of writing with stamina, speed, ingenuity, and independence. Main writing topics this year include: Personal Narrative, Memoir, Research, Book Review, Poetry, and Place and Product Reviews.

Social Studies

In Social Studies, we have four different focus areas that we will be studying throughout the year. We also do a lot of work centered around kindness, friendship, and community building. 

3rd Grade Teachers

Erika Berg

Erika Berg

Stephanie Kartes

Stephanie Kartes

We ask that every third grader reads at least 15-20 minutes every night at home. We will not be sending home math homework. If you are looking for work at home, listed below are some math websites.

LOGIN through Clever:

Prodigy, ST MATH, TumbleBooks, PebbleGo, Learning A-Z

Math Websites